
Steal-worthy Deals at your Fingertips

What was the trigger to start Shop Pirate? There was a gap in the coupons space for genuine and working coupons / offers with more transparency for end users. Shop Pirate is one place you can get latest, working, and verified coupons and deals for.

By Nov 26,2015  0


What was the trigger to start Shop Pirate?

There was a gap in the coupons space for genuine and working coupons / offers with more transparency for end users. Shop Pirate is one place you can get latest, working, and verified coupons and deals for your favorite ecommerce store. We promptly remove expired deals and coupons, thus helping shoppers save time and money. Shop Pirate connects retailers and brands with the right shoppers anytime, anywhere to drive engagement and sales.

What is the traction your site is getting currently?

We get close to 1 million visits per month and 60% of the traffic is through mobile. There has been 200% growth in organic traffic every quarter. We are now targeting 100 crore of Gross Merchandise Value this quarter for partner merchants. We have tied up with close to 800+ merchants like Uber, Healthkart, Ola, Swiggy, Zoomcar, Amazon, and Flipkart. Shop Pirate Android app is one of the highest rated coupons apps on Play Store. It has close to 500+ positive reviews.

How do you foresee growth for Shop Pirate?

We are now getting into more exclusive partnerships with Indian merchants for better discounts/savings for shoppers. We are also expanding our operations in US and Canada with an exclusive site catering to these two countries.

What have been some of the key learnings for you and the organization in this growth spurt?

I’ve learnt that if you truly love something, it shows in your commitment. Being the founder of a startup is a pleasing experience, but there will be instances when you may fail and even start doubting your own abilities and skills. But you also learn that after a point, success isn’t all that matters. You are no more afraid of being judged or criticized. You are vulnerable, and you know it. This is when you fee the power to follow your passion and execute your dreams. The only way to make it big is to be innovative and relentless!


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